The Board of Directors of Enexis Group has decided to end the activities of Enpuls as of 1 January 2022. The reason for this decision is the focus that the network company is putting on its core activities: connecting its customers everywhere in a timely manner and co-designing, realising and giving direction to the design of an affordable and sustainable energy system of the future in its catchment area. Enexis Group expects that heating will play an important role in the energy system of the future and that network companies can be of considerable importance in the long term in its realisation. That is why the activities of Enpuls Warmte Infra will continue to exist within Enexis Group as a deregulated branch.
The energy transition is leading to a huge increase in the work package for network company Enexis Group. At the moment, the grid operator cannot connect its customers everywhere, or not on time, and this is expected to remain a challenge in the coming years. That is why network company Enexis Group is focusing on its core tasks: connecting its customers everywhere and in a timely manner and co-designing, realising and directing the design of the sustainable energy system of the future in the provinces of Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel, Noord-Brabant and Limburg. Activities that do not contribute to these core tasks will be phased out or organised differently in the coming period. Innovations and solutions in the area of data and digitization will play an important part in achieving the energy system of the future. Enexis Group will therefore continue to invest in this in the coming years. Currently, Enexis Group is working on a new strategy that will clearly reflect this focus. The new strategy is expected to be completed in April 2022.
Enexis Group sees an important role for heating networks in the energy system of the future and sees heating infrastructure as a realistic expansion of its product portfolio. As a public heating partner, Enpuls Warmte Infra cooperates with municipalities and provinces to make neighbourhoods more sustainable by developing, realising and managing heating networks. Until there is more clarity around the new Heating Act, Enexis Group will continue to gain experience with heating networks via Enpuls Warmte Infra, including through Mijnwater and by being involved in heating projects. The other activities of Enpuls, such as the development of visions and concepts which are aimed at accelerating the energy transition and which are outside the direct focus area of Enexis as grid operator, will be terminated as of 1 January 2022.
Jeroen Sanders, Chief Transition Officer and member of the Enexis Group Executive Board: "Since its establishment in 2016, Enpuls has contributed with great success to accelerating the energy transition. We are now entering the realisation phase. We expect that the majority of Enpuls personnel will have a role in the realisation of the proposed new strategy. We will thus retain the acquired knowledge, experience and expertise of Enpuls personnel, in such a way that we will continue to work on innovative solutions that can contribute to the energy system of the future."